When you get rid of plastic it will go in 3 places.:

  1. The first is landfill which is basically a hole in the ground which lets off gases which causes global warming.
  2. The second is were it gets recycled but only a few plastics can be recycled so let’s make a difference and purchase recyclable plastic.
  3. Finally is the Ocean; it will go in the ocean and kill sea life, so please start using recyclable plastic.

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2 replies on “Stop using plastic!!!”

  • Josephine Barney
    January 15, 2022 at 6:22 pm

    I agree we should stop using unrecycable plastic because if we don’t start soon we will kill all sealife and it would be such a shame to kill our oceans.

    • George Nurbory
      January 20, 2022 at 6:41 pm

      That is a great fact and I really think it is crucial that we help the oceans too.