Stop Poaching

As you all know poaching is a big part of climate change because poachers hunt animals for their skin, bones, scales and tusks, and it is making animals extinct so we need to put a stop to it. Also people are chopping down trees and destroying animal habitats so we need to stop that as well.

<Note from George>

Alex, poaching is a subject that not many people focus on when talking climate change but is something I feel is really important so thanks for reminding us about it.

The Guardian website says:

More than 1,000 species have had to be relocated because of climate change, poaching and humans taking their habitat, according to a top conservationist.

Dr Axel Moehrenschlager said cases of “translocation”, such as India’s plan to relocate tigers to Cambodia or South Africa’s scheme to airlift rhinos to Australia, have increased exponentially in recent decades and will become more common due to human pressures driving species closer to extinction.

Translocation is the practice of intentionally moving plants and animals from one area and releasing them in another to improve their survival chances and combat biodiversity loss.

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One reply on “stop poaching”

  • Josephine Barney
    October 29, 2022 at 8:44 pm

    During covid, at most safari parks in Southern Africa there was a lot of poaching going on because nobody could stop people from hunting leopards, lions, cheetahs etc because nobody was there. But now everyone is back we can all work together to stop poaching from continuing. If you are a poacher reading this, I hope you are ashamed, there are so many young animals without a mother and a home and are threatened every day by you and other animals!