It feels like so long ago but it was only really about 1 year, I was being elected for school parliament and if you don’t know what that is it’s basically normal parliament but kiddified.

So in the parliament, there are 4 parts: the learning, tech, service, and eco council. As you know from the title I picked the eco council and through all my experiences I have had a great time, I really do think more schools should do this or elect special people for eco and sustainability. 

I get to go to these once a month at assembly time in Mr. Cluets’s room (who is the head of sustainability ) where we discuss different matters about climate change and what we as a school can do about it. 

We have all foods at lunchtime sustainably sourced, in our school recently we have been wasting loads of plastic cups but since our last meeting, we are not using them anymore because at the meeting I addressed an idea where we could bring our water bottles instead of throwing cups away. Then the next day they were gone, so I think any kids out there who want to help the battle to stop climate change just ask your teachers and I’m sure they would listen.

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