As the world becomes more aware of the environmental challenges we face, it’s essential to teach our children the importance of sustainable living from an early age. One of the most effective ways to do this is by encouraging kids to make sustainable food choices. Not only does this contribute to a healthier planet, but it can also lead to healthier kids. In this article, we’ll offer some fantastic tips for 11-year-olds on how to make more sustainable food choices, including eating more plant-based meals, reducing food waste, and starting a small herb garden.

  1. Embrace Plant-Based Meals

One of the most impactful ways kids can contribute to sustainability is by incorporating more plant-based foods into their diet. Encourage them to try delicious and nutritious plant-based options like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Here’s how you can make it fun:

a. Smoothie Adventures: Create a “smoothie challenge” where kids experiment with different fruits and vegetables to create their custom smoothie recipes. They can discover new flavor combinations and enjoy a nutritious treat.

b. Meatless Mondays: Dedicate one day a week to preparing meatless meals together as a family. Kids can help choose recipes and assist in the kitchen.

c. Veggie Garden: If possible, consider starting a small vegetable garden at home where kids can grow their veggies. This hands-on experience will make them appreciate the effort that goes into producing food.

  1. Reduce Food Waste

Teaching kids about reducing food waste not only helps the environment but also saves money. Try these tactics:

a. Meal Planning: Involve your child in the meal planning process. Let them choose recipes and create a shopping list based on what you need. This helps avoid buying unnecessary items that might go to waste.

b. Leftover Makeovers: Show kids how to transform leftovers into new dishes. For instance, last night’s roasted vegetables can become a tasty omelet or a vegetable stir-fry.

c. Composting: Start a compost bin in your backyard, and involve kids in the composting process. They can learn about the decomposition of organic matter and how it benefits the environment.

  1. Start a Small Herb Garden

Growing herbs at home is an excellent way for kids to connect with nature and learn about sustainability. Herb gardens are manageable and can be maintained in small spaces. Here’s how to get started:

a. Herb Selection: Let your child choose a few favorite herbs like basil, mint, or rosemary. These are easy to grow and versatile in cooking.

b. Planting Fun: Allow them to plant the herbs in pots or a small garden bed. Teach them about proper soil, sunlight, and watering requirements.

c. Cooking Adventures: Encourage your child to use the fresh herbs they’ve grown in recipes. This not only adds flavor to dishes but also reinforces the connection between gardening and food.


Teaching kids about sustainable eating is an investment in their future and the future of our planet. By encouraging them to embrace plant-based meals, reduce food waste, and start a small herb garden, you empower them to make positive changes in their lives and the environment. These practices can be fun, educational, and instill values that will last a lifetime, ensuring a more sustainable and healthier future for all.

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